1. Anya Pawar, Communication Design and Computer Science, Junior

  2. I am primarily a design student interested in product design and development. I took this class because I was interested in building full-stack websites in order to understand the development process fully.

  3. I have some experience with HTML and CSS; however, not much with JavaScript.

  4. I hope to learn more about JavaScript and how to create user-friendly and accessible websites.

  5. Designing for web is different than designing for paper because a webpage has to be responsive. Brower sizes are flexible and can be viewed on a variety of devices. This added component of responsivity must be constantly considered when creating a webpage.

  6. Effective Design: Twitter is an example of effective design used in a website. Twitter uses a light blue color as an indicator of importance throughout the website. Not only does this create unity within their site, but it also allows the users to gain a sense of information hierarchy when viewing the site. Additionally, Twitter's use of iconography is highly effective in conveying the menu items without the need for text. These icons become important when considering the responsivity of Twitter - as you shrink the browser size, the text disappears, and the icons remain.

  7. Effective Communication: Trello is a prime example of a website that demonstrates effective communication. When a user launches this website, they are given a general overview of the product. Then, once a user signs up for Trello, they are given a quick yet effective tour of the product and its features. The short phrases used during this onboarding process of Trello is just one example of the effective communication strategies used throughout the website.

  8. Works Well: Southwest is an example of a website that works well through its use of large typography, bold primary colors, and clear buttons. When a user launches this website, within seconds they can scan the page for important information and decide their next steps of action. In addition, the large imagery is useful in marketing the company as a whole.